
搜尋 繁體

正文 第46節



日期:2015-05-08 19:39:12

第十二回 又聞奇士思(2)

Your Majesty, my dear brother,

When you read this letter, in all probability I will have already returned to dust. I have long been expecting to submit to death, since it is everyone’s destiny. However, as the knell summons me to heaven or to hell, I choose to write down my tortuous life, rather than to bury it in this bleak and grim palace, which merely facilitates the villain’s ambition and has had my honourable lord deceived.

Twenty years ago, when you determined to send me to this chaotic country, I could not help but hold a grudge against you. You ought to remember that we once reached the consensus that no country under the sun was as glorious as ours. Thus, I knew that although seemingly a special favour to me, dispatching me to be the lord of one of our vassal states was actually intended to eliminate me as a potential threat, thereby consolidating your throne.At that time you had been married for six years without children. I was your only brother, appreciated by our father and ministers in court. You forced me to come here against my own will to become the lord of a boorish and unruly people, who never understood the importance of respecting their monarch. My sources informed me that you intended to use borrowed hands to kill me, yet I could find no other path other than to obey your orders. You also sent John, Barry and Lambert, your ever-trusted ministers, to go with me, asserting that they were there to assist me. Nevertheless, who didn`t know this was but an underhanded way to monitor and control your brother? You may not know that when I took the last look at my homeland, I swore to myself that I would rid myself of your restraint, subjugate the people of my new land and turn the domain into the most prosperous vassal state that had ever been, no matter what the cost. I wanted to make the motherland aware that you only became the King by right of the firstborn and humiliate you by the scale of my achievements. As for the assistants you gave me, I would take them as my own, making them most willing to serve me, not you. I had already lost the opportunity to outmatch you face to face, but I would still surpass you, even from afar.





